Why choose WAVR?
It’s Always Safer to be Awake!
WAVR’s practice of utilizing customized, original, virtual reality content with wide-awake patients during surgery eliminates the danger and expense of traditional anesthesia.
Watch to Learn More About WAVR
Wide Awake VR with Dr. Alejandro Badia MD
Incredible Benefits of the WAVR Surgical System
Trace the History of Anesthesia
Breakthrough Clinical Trials for VR-Enabled Surgery

WAVR Saves Money
Studies: The use of the main OR for CTR is almost four times (4x) as expensive, and less than half as efficient as it is in an ambulatory setting. The overall efficiency of the ambulatory setting is therefore more than twice that of the main operating room in the same hospital.

WAVR is More Sustainable
WAVR is more sustainable by reducing surgical waste.
After one proceduce:
· The larger bag above is waste from main
surgical procedure room.
· The smaller bag above is from WAVR style
surgery in minor surgery room.

WAVR Combines the WALANT Surgical Technique with Virtual Reality Experiences.
WALANT is Wide Awake Local Anesthetic No Tourniquet surgery. It is well established with over twenty years of successful outcomes and is now practiced regularly in hand, wrist, and minor surgeries all over the world.
WAVR uses the WALANT surgical technique, adding the immersive power of VR to increase patient acceptance by 10X and substantially reducing the costs of common procedures.
Office-based Carpal Tunnel Surgery with WAVR
= $1,500 to $1,900
Hospital-based Carpal Tunnel Surgery without
= $5,500 to $7,500
WAVR patients have exponentially higher SATISFACTION scores with no general anesthetic risk, procedural waste, or needless anxiety.